Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to important question we are commonly asked. While you can find most asnswers you're looking for here, we know this can't answer everything, so if you can't find what you're looking for here, call us at (660) 362-0020 and we will be happy to assist you.

Click on the question to reveal the answer!
Q.Does the price include set up and delivery?
A.ShipShape staff will take care of the set up and take down of all inflatables, tents and games. The prices listed on the website are before taxes and delivery.
The prices listed on the website for tables and chairs do NOT include set up and take down. Tables and Chairs are delivered in stacks. If ShipShape staff is required to set up or take down Tables or Chairs, there will be an additional service fee charged.
Q.Do you deliver to other cities?
A.Yes! We offer delivery to just about anywhere in the State of Missouri! There are additional delivery fees that apply. Please call with any questions you may have.
Q.Does the standard rental time include your set up time?
A.Our standard rental time is for up to 6 hours. When you reserve equipment we ask, what are your event start and end times? Our delivery schedules are based off of these times, to ensure all customers have the equipment they need in time for their event to start. We sometimes have to deliver hours before your event starts or pick up hours after you event ends, to accomodate all customers. You're not charged extra if we arrive early or pick up late.
Feel free to call with any special requests or questions!
Q.When do you set up?
A.You have options! You can select TIME SENSITIVE DELIVERY at an additional cost. This will ensure that we arrive for set up within 1 hour of your start time and return for pick up within 1 hour of your end time. This is commonly used for deliveries at public locations, deliveries for indoor rentals and deliveries to restricted areas. You can select FLEXIBLE DELIVERY at no additional cost. This means that you are able to accept delivery the day before your event and pick up the day after your event. This option helps to spread out our delivery schedules. It is not a guarantee that you will receive the equipment the day before, it just indicates that you are available and willing if it helps our delivery schedule. You will be notified 24hours in advance with a 3 hour delivery window for delivery and pick up. You can also select STANDARD DELIVERY at no additional cost. This means that the day of your event, we will arrive up to 3 hours before your event start time and will pick up the equipment up to 3 hours after your event start time. Times are subject to change, but we can ensure you will have your equipment for the duration of your event! For further details or additional questions, please contact the office at 660-362-0020. We are happy to assist you with selecting an option that suites you best.
Q.Do we have to keep it plugged in the entire time?
A.Yes. A blower keeps air in the jump unit the entire time. Once unplugged they deflate. That's why we require an outlet within 100 feet of the unit or a generator. Longer cords can pop your circuit breaker so we bring our own heavy duty cords.
Q.What about parks? Do parks have electricity?
A.We love setting up at parks but most parks do NOT have electricity. If you want to set up at a park, you must call to confirm there is electrical capabilities with your local Parks and Rec prior to delivery. If there is no electricity available, we rent generators at a reasonable cost. Also, most parks are first come, first serve so get your spot early in the day or call ahead to reserve your desired area! There is an additional TIME SENSITIVE DELIVERY fee associated with Park deliveries because the equipment cannot be left unattended. Please call the office for additional details! 660-362-0020
Q.What payments do you take?
A.Cash or Credit Cards. If paying by cash, please have exact change as our drivers do not carry cash.
Checks are only accepted from Corporate or Business accounts with prior approval.
Q.What if we need to cancel?
A.Cancellations happen. We get it.
Mother Nature sometimes has a mind of her own. If there is inclement weather (high winds, rain, tornado, temperatures below 50 degrees, snow, ice, ect...), we will provide a full refund or rain check for up to 1 year.
If you need to cancel for other reasons, no big deal! We'll refund your money and hope to hear from you in the future! Corporate events or orders over $1,000 do have a non-refundable 50% deposit. For more details or for any questions, please call our office at 660-362-0020!